2021第八屆上海國際水產海鮮展覽會Seafood Expo Shanghai展會介紹
預測到了2025年,全球食用魚的消耗量將增加21%達到178公噸,當中73%的增長來自亞洲,估計亞洲的海產消耗量將占全球總額的三分二。亞洲市場增長強勁且海產需求量大,拓展亞洲業務成為國際企業的首要目標。上海國際水產海鮮展(SSIA CHINA)是一個大型貿易展覽會,了解中國水產市場的新動態,旨在為全球各地的海產供貨商及買家提供一個交流平臺,協助他們于上海、中國內地及亞太區市場發展業務,開拓商機、共創雙贏。將于2021年6月10日至12日在中國·上海光大會展中心舉行,并與中國(上海)國際餐博會(CFBE CHINA)和生鮮冷鏈展(CCLE CHINA)同場舉行。
It is predicted that by 2025, the consumption of global edible fish will increase by 21% to 178 metric tons, of which 73% will come from Asia, and the estimated consumption of Asia will account for three of the total world's total consumption of two. The growth of the Asian market is strong and the demand for seafood is large. Expanding Asia's business has become the primary goal of international enterprises. Shanghai International Seafood Exhibition (SSIA CHINA) is a large trade fair, to understand the latest developments in China aquaculture market, suppliers and buyers to seafood around the world to provide a platform for exchange, to assist them in Shanghai, China mainland and Asia Pacific market business development, develop business opportunities and create a win situation. It will be held in Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center in from June 10 to 12,2021, and will be held at China (Shang hai) International Catering Food & Beverage Exhibition(CFBE CHINA) and Fresh Cold Chain Exhibition (CCLE CHINA).
In 2020, the exhibition attracted 21 countries and regions from Australia, South Korea, the United States, Norway, Denmark, Canada, Thailand, Vietnam,Chile, Argentina ,Japan,Ecuador,Guyana and other countries and regions, a total of 29,280 visitors to the meeting to Visit and negotiate.85% of the visitors found new products and 72% of them made purchasing plans after the exhibition.Shanghai is China's largest economic, cultural and financial center, and is also an internationally famous fashion food city. It plays an extremely important role in China's economic development. We are focused on providing a platform for international aquatic seafood and its channels to communicate with fans from all over the world. Create a Seafood Festival with aquatic seafood industry as an important service field.
2020年上海水產海鮮展 部分采購商一覽:中糧萬威客、晨星生鮮、株式會社YAOKO、Infinity、Angliss、大鯨百貨、吉祥航空、海鮮1號、呷哺呷哺、老北京火鍋、陳家壩水產、拉緹娜西餐廳、內蒙古一撈、靖江建建、偉力優商貿、錢潮商貿、金福康、小螺號、佛山豪海鮮、鈦狄國際、上海農林、天宇水產、正道食品、志杰海鮮、連云港春輝、麻屋餐飲、櫻桃寶寶、撫順君雅、唐山盛創、湖北惠美家、長沙順水產、瀚森、煙臺榮豐、俏碼頭、鮮速水產、凱石全球、三快在線、可樂菲商貿、佛山熹和、馥漁國際、聯華超市、瀚卓貿易、廣州六豐行、開元投資、江蘇鹽道、美海冷凍、眾領國際、國源水產、海味水產、小屋生鮮、寒亭德泰、傲翎韓亞、旺普貿易、吖咪餐飲、豐麥國際、曉牛食品、海歸食客、大連水產集采、松下冷機、泰陽水產、FURNITURE 、鎮江靜遠、小濤海鮮、錢阿姨水產行、寧上水產、青島海爾、南京彈指鮮生、亨利冷凍、舟山鯨豐、灃沛水產商行、那都不是鍋、蝸居餐飲、北京饞火爐魚、鯉魚尚水、迪士尼度假區...田垠水產、船之皇、灃沛水產商行、鮮一度
同期活動·Concurrent Events(籌劃中):
中國水產海鮮與冷鏈物流創新發展高峰論壇China's Seafood and Cold chain Logistics Innovation Development peak BBS.
——創建中國水產流通新時代,將圍繞“讓水產流通·順心,讓食物消費·安心”展開豐富多樣的主題演講,誠邀國內外水產海鮮、肉類食品、餐飲企業、火鍋、冷凍食品、加工機械、水產包裝、冷鏈物流、冷鏈技術設備和冷凍冷藏設備行業人士前來一聚,以及相關協會領導和專家學者,共筑中國海鮮流通新時代!本次論壇 3000 元/人 (含:會議費、資料費、午餐費),交通、住宿(可推薦酒店)自理。注:5月 1 日前報名9 折優惠。(詳情見附件1)
“舌尖上的海味”水產海鮮推介品鑒會A Bite of Seafood-Introduction and Tasting Meeting of Seafood
中國創意菜烹飪大賽暨酒店特色食材推介會National Creative Hotel Food Cooking Contest and Hotel Special Ingredients Event
2021上海火鍋美食文化節Shanghai Hotpot Cuisine Culture Festival 2021
精品海鮮采購商配對交流會Boutique Seafood Buyer Pairing Fair
水產品牌經銷商/企業評選Seafood Brand Dealer/ Enterprise Selection
專業觀眾· Visiting audience:
1, aquatic seafood dealers, agents, importers, downstream distributors and specialized agencies all over the country;
2, a large chain of global aquaculture purchasers, processors, retailers, gift companies, distributors, terminal network group purchase shop etc.;
3, hotels and catering service providers, foreign restaurants and star rated hotels are one of the markets for aquatic seafood consumption. At present, there are more than 8,000 hotels in Shanghai and Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, Chinese and Western restaurants and chain restaurants;
4, group buying units: association, business group, state enterprise, international company, airline, bank and service provider,etc.;
5, various supermarkets, such as Carrefour, WAL-MART, Metro, 7-11, RT mart, Lianhua, Hualian, ngs, good moral, and the family can, Quik, Tesco, jiadelil, lotus, the airport duty-free shops, duty-free shops in the bonded area;
2021第八屆上海國際水產海鮮展覽會Seafood Expo Shanghai參展費用
■參展費用?Booth Rate:
A:國內企業:16800.00/展期(RMB) 3m×3m
B:國外企業: 4800.00/展期(USD) 3m×3m
★標準展位:3m×3m國內企業:RMB 12800.00/個;國外企業:$ 3800.00/個
B:國外企業: 380.00(USD)/平方米/展期
International Exhibitor
? Standard Booths(3m*3m):USD 3,800/9㎡;Deluxe booth(3m*3m):USD 4,800/9㎡;
(Plus 10% for corner booth).
? Raw Space:USD 380/㎡(minimum 36 sq.m.).
? New product and new technology conference: USD 3000/45 minutes
Industry special co organizer $32,800, only 1; CO organizer $23,800, only 2; reception dinner co organizer $20,000, limited to 1 (details see attachment 1, 2, 3).
會刊廣告:◇封面 25000元 ◇封二 18000元 ◇彩首 12000元 ◇封三 15000元,◇封底 20000元 ◇彩色內頁 8000元 ◇彩色內頁對開 15000元;
◇參觀證 50000元/3萬張 ◇手提袋廣告 50000元/1萬個 ◇門票廣告 20000元/1萬張 ◇條幅廣告 12000元/幅 ◇拱門 18000/個 ◇5米*3米廣告牌 20000/個;
★ 新產品新技術發布會:每場10,000元/45分鐘,國外企業3000.00(USD)
★ 行業特別協辦單位18萬,僅限1家;協辦單位128,000,僅限2家;招待晚宴協辦單位108,000元,限1家(詳情見附件1、2、3)。更多現場廣告方案請咨詢:17765110324
2021第八屆上海國際水產海鮮展覽會Seafood Expo Shanghai注意事項
參展程序·Exhibition Procedure:
1.填寫《參展申請表》郵寄或傳真至組織單位。展位執行 “先申請,先付款,先安排”的原則;
1.fill in the application form for exhibition, mail or fax to the organization. The principle of "first application, first payment, first arrangement";
2.Within one week after the Booth Application,Exhibitors will cost [50% (deposit) or full payment] by telegraphic transfer or pay to the organization ,the balance paid before in May 1, 2021. After remitting the expenses, the exhibitor will send the bank remittance email to the exhibition organization.
2021第八屆上海國際水產海鮮展覽會Seafood Expo Shanghai展品范圍
Aquatic products: fresh aquatic products, frozen aquatic products, reprocessed products, added value products, brand products, and OEM products;
Aquaculture services and organizations: quality control, finance, industry organization, industry computer and information system;
Aquatic products: excipients, sauces, condiments, and bread crumbs;
Processing equipment for aquatic products: processing machines, refrigeration and refrigeration equipment
Aquaculture packaging: aquaculture, aquatic products processing, machinery, aquatic transportation, storage, packaging equipment, etc.